Friday, August 19, 2011

Roasted Green Chile and Avocado Guacamole

My mama came to town to deliver my prized Boy Wonder after a long summer in Florida. Lucky kid to to swing by El Paso in the middle of chile season and my folks were kind enough to send up POUNDS of green chiles, fresh of the roaster.

It's a smell that's hard to describe if you've never experienced it yourself. Part spicy, part earthy. But all delicious. Last summer I lugged my own chiles all the way back from the Southwest and deposted them directly into my freezer. Epic fail. Tragic error!

When I got around to needing them, they were massively lumped and froze together and nothing short of a chainsaw could break away a chunk the right size for my use. And when they did thaw, well, I'd neglected to de-skin them or prep them in any way for their long freezer nap. Mushy, destroyed chiles that really nearly brought me to tears.

This year, however, I spent the two hours and de-seeded, de-crowned, and de-skinned the little beauties. For bonus points, I even separated them into small snack-sized portions and froze those individually. I can be taught!

The great chile migration has quite made it to Anchorage yet, but it should be here in the next few weeks. Last year at the local Fred Meyer's, they sold for about $2.49 a pound. Much cheaper than the $900 flight down to New Mexico! I posted a quick tutorial on how to roast and prep the little beauties here, in case you missed it.Or forgot. Or just felt like browsing through my archives.)

So when my friend Stacey (an Arizonian who also appreciates a good chile) told me about her own green chile salsa recipe, I was on a mission to find something equally delicious and easy. My tortilla chips were crying out for something other than La Mex salsa (though, don't get me wrong...we LOVE La Mex salsa in this house!!)

Ingredients can vary, along with your heat level (more jalapeno, more heat, naturally). My double-score bonus was that, not only did I get my first born AND green chiles in one trip, she also brought up roasted jalapenos courtesy of my quick-thinking Dad. Thanks, Gary! I'm subbing roasted jalapeno for the "heat" pepper in this, but you can dice a serrano, jalapeno, or habanero depending on your preference.

Roasted Green Chile and Avocado Guacamole

2-4 roasted green chiles, seeded and chopped
3 large avocados, peeled and ready for mushing
1/2 white onion
1 roasted jalapeno, seeded and chopped finely
2 T lemon juice
1/2 cup cilantro
1 tsp. salt

Combine all ingredients in bowl. I prefer to use a potato masher over a food processor, but that's only because I am lazy. And I really don't remember how to put the damn thing back together (I always have an extra piece and it just worries me.) Feel free to use yours if you studied your manual!

Serve with lots of chips. Or pie. Hell, it's your guacamole. Serve it with spaghetti if the mood strikes!

Happy eating!


  1. Food processor? Bite your tongue! No self respecting Texan blends guac. Chunks are the way to go! At least you're not putting sour cream in it yet; this shows the north has not tainted you. ;)

  2. Ahahaha! I'm just saaaaaying...that some recipes call for a quick pulse in the ol' processor. :)
